Primeur – Data Shaper

Primeur – Data Shaper

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Primeur -
Data Shaper

PRIMEUR DATA SHAPER® is our Data Transformation solution providing quick and flexible any-to-any data transformations. It is designed to work perfectly with PRIMEUR DATA MOVER® complementing and boosting its capabilities.

PRIMEUR DATA SHAPER® is a graphical, wizard-driven and easy-to-use software that supports any-to-any transformation for all data formats – flat files, CSV, XML, Excel, Database, EDI, industry formats (HIPAA), etc. It also supports file splitting, transformation, routing, aggregation and enrichment to support varying business needs.

With PRIMEUR DATA SHAPER® now you can:

Data Mapping and Transformation

The Data Mapping engine allows any-to-any transformations between different data formats. Mapping rules can be applied from multiple sources to multiple targets and data can be aggregated from multiple sources. Content can also be distributed to multiple destinations automatically.

Extensible Connectivity

Supporting over one hundred connectors to contemporary Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) data formats, when a new data connector is required, PRIMEUR DATA SHAPER® provides easy-to-implement connectivity enabling the exchange of data between applications/platforms in real-time.